Reap the Wind

Kindle Book Awards, Semi Finalist, for Best Mystery/Thriller
Readers’ Favorite Silver Medal Winner, for Legal Thriller
Pennwriter’s writing competition, second place, Novel Beginnings category

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REAP THE WIND is a thrilling action/adventure novel that follows three lawyers as they embark on a treacherous journey from Houston to Cincinnati during a catastrophic hurricane. Josh Goldberg is on a mission to be with his girlfriend for the birth of their child. Along the way, they’ll face terrifying obstacles like tornadoes, hailstorms, and driving rain. But the real danger may come from within as they struggle to survive each other’s company. His two travel companions are his best friend, a drug-addicted lawyer, and his conniving boss who has her own agenda.
REAP THE WIND is not just an exciting read but also an informative one, with insights into climate change. Prof. Michael Mann has praised the book: “it is a great story. Burcat provides us with a compelling fictional account of what climate dangers may lurk in our future if we fail to act on climate. Reap the Wind is a gripping tale that engages both the head and the heart.”
Don’t miss out on this unforgettable odyssey that might just be a suicide trip.
REAP THE WIND is available at book stores and Amazon. It is published by Sunbury Press, Inc.
“Reap the Wind is a bold, bracing and blisteringly original take on the legal thriller form. Joel Burcat has fashioned a seminal tale focusing on the nightmare of all road trips in which a storm raging outside the car is matched only by the storm raging within. Burcat dares to tread on the hallowed ground of John Grisham and Scott Turow and ends up blazing a fresh, daring literary tale of his own. Not to be missed!”
—Jon Land, New York Times and USA Today bestselling author
“I highly recommend this lightning-paced, modern-day Odyssey. Burcat combines the best parts of a buddy story, a relationship drama, and a twisty, psychological legal thriller, while offering an unflinching look at the lives of young lawyers, all set against the terrifying backdrop of a climate-driven future that may be even closer than we fear.”
—Jon McGoran, award-winning author of The Price of Everything, Spliced, Splintered, Spiked, Drift, Deadout, and Dust Up
“Dangerous climate change, by some measure, is already here, and it’s a matter of how bad we’re willing to let it get. ‘Reap The Wind’ by Joel Burcat is a great story. Burcat provides us with a compelling fictional account of what climate dangers may lurk in our future if we fail to act on climate. Reap the Wind is a gripping tale that engages both the head and the heart.”
— Michael E. Mann, Presidential Distinguished Professor of Earth & Environmental Science at the University of Pennsylvania and author of Our Fragile Moment: How lessons from the Earth’s past can help us survive the climate crisis
“It’s flat-out excellent writing.”
“An excellent and careful use of detail that creates a rise in tension that feels natural.”
“Josh is an interesting and compelling character whom the audience will have little trouble relating to.”
—ScreenCraft Cinematic Book Competition Reviewer Comments