Basic Writing Craft Library (and a few other resources)
This list started with one compiled by Geri Krotow and my debut author friends at Int’l Thriller Writers and I have added to it: by Joel Burcat, Elena Hartwell Taylor, Ricky Treon, Sue Hinkin, L.A. Chandler, Heather Chavez, Richard Santos, Harvey Freedenberg
- The Elements of Style (by Strunk and White, the classic writing book as relevant today as it was when it first came out in 1959) [Krotow, Burcat]
- On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft (by Stephen King, part-memoir, part writing guide. One of the best, most accessible books on writing you can read. Not scary.) [Krotow, Burcat, Chandler]
- Bird by Bird (by Anne Lamott. No. 2 on the Writing Skills Reference list and No. 1 on a number of other lists on Amazon—journalism, speech, writing reference books. There is a reason for that. Very readable.) [Krotow, Burcat]
- Goal, Motivation and Conflict (by Debra Dixon) [Krotow]
- The Artist’s Way (by Julia Cameron and Jeremy P. Tarcher) [Krotow]
- The Writer’s Journey, 2d ed. (by Christopher Vogler, Michael Weise) [Krotow]
- Writing the Fiction Synopsis (by Pam McCutcheon) [Krotow]
- The War of Art (by Steven Pressfield) [Krotow]
- Story (by Robert Mckee) [Krotow]
- American Heritage College Dictionary (you need a good dictionary. Really, any will do. I always liked this one) [Burcat]
- Readers Digest Oxford Complete Wordfinder (handy dictionary and thesaurus in one volume) [Burcat]
- Writer’s Digest, Guide to Writer’s Market (current year, all writers look at this from time to time. Available in printed and on-line versions) [Burcat]
- Writer’s Digest, Guide to Literary Agents (current year, ditto) [Burcat]
- Writing the Blockbuster Novel (by Albert Zuckerman (the first book I read when I started getting serious about writing. It taught me a lot about commercial writing) [Burcat]
- Forensics for Dummies (by D.P. Lyle, MD. Doug Lyle is the real deal, a great thriller writer and medical doctor who wrote this book for writers and other special people) [Burcat]
- Secrets of Story (by Matt Bird, for writers of any level) [Taylor]
- The Authors Checklist (by Elizabeth Kracht, as a book that writers with their first draft of a first manuscript should read) [Taylor]
- Writing with Quiet Hand (by Paula Munier) [Treon]
- The Secrets of Story (by Matt Bird) [Treon]
- Zen in the Art of Writing (by Ray Bradbury) [Hinkin]
- The Emotional Craft of Fiction: How to Write the Story Beneath the Surface (by Donald Maass. A top literary agent who knows an awful lot about what makes a book great) [Chavez]
- Before and After the Book Deal, by Courtney Maum. It’s more business than craft but it’s great.) [Santos]
- Still Writing (by Dani Shapiro. Both practical and inspirational.) [Harvey Freedenberg]
Internet Resources
There are many, many internet resources. Probably hundreds, including blogs, if not more. The list doesn’t attempt to touch the web-based journals which often are the writing goal for many writers. This is a tiny sample of ones that writers use on a regular basis.
- Electric Speed: Tools and resources by Fane Friedman:
- Thesaurus:
- Thesaurus: Https://Relatedwords.Org/
- Thesaurus:
- Word Finder: